Association of Professional Archaeologists

Latest News

  • 18 Jul 2019 8:30 AM | Anonymous

    APA is committed to broaden the membership base for all types of specialists who work directly with Ontario's archaeological resources and cultural landscapes.

    APA membership is open to those who may not have formal training in archaeology but are employed by their Nation as resource specialists in lands/resources and cultural heritage or as archaeological liaisons/monitors for their Nation. 

    The Membership Categories page contains descriptions for First Nations Consultation Staff membership, First Nations Liaison membership, and Associate membership.

  • 20 Jan 2019 3:24 PM | Anonymous

    Active members have received their copies of the Newsletter, winter edition 2018.2, by email today.  If you have not received yours, send a quick note to

    Past issues of APA's Newsletter are available at Newsletter Archives

  • 19 Jan 2019 3:42 PM | Anonymous

    Some of you may have noticed that the MTCS web page has taken down many of its Fact Sheets.  We asked Katherine Cappella (Manager, Archaeology Program Unit) if she could advise of the reason and she has given permission to share this helpful reply:

    As for the fact sheets on our website, in the fall it came to our attention that several of the links on our website were dead or pointing users to older/outdated versions of documents.  We had all of the links disabled so that we could review the documents up on the website and replace any outdated ones with the most recent versions.  Our communications team (which is an entity outside the archaeology unit) continues to work on this.  In the meantime, if members with licences need a copy of any of our publications, including fact sheets, they can find them in PastPort’s Resource centre. Members can also email us at to request a copy of any publication or form. -KC

    For other recent MTCS Archaeology updates, click on the following link: 2018Dec_MTCS_ManagerMemo.pdf

  • 19 Jan 2019 2:31 PM | Anonymous

    Both the TRC and UNDRIP highlight the need to include the oral histories and traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples within narratives that describe and characterize Indigenous pasts.

    Ontario archaeologists have yet to integrate this must needed component to interpretations of the archaeological record. Oral histories and Indigenous Knowledge can offer comprehensive contextual layers when elucidating past realities. Current archaeological interpretation in Ontario is fairly limited to its Euro-Canadian paradigm and methodologies, but can be expanded to include a more balanced approach and generate more complete understandings of the past. 

    Join us for an educational workshop where Anishinaabeg Elders and Knowledge Holders will share some historical teachings and cultural knowledge with the APA. In the spirit of relationship building and reconciliation, it is hoped that this information sharing session will promote the application of Indigenous knowledge and oral traditions to archaeological interpretations and subsequent narratives in Ontario.

    Further details will be announced soon! 

    If you want to be alerted directly about the event details and registration, send a quick email to

  • 09 Jan 2019 4:18 PM | Anonymous

    Happy New Year!  The APA Executive members are pleased to congratulate recent recipients of the Student Bursary and the Radiocarbon Date Merit Award.  Many thanks to the APA members who have been donating to the Student Bursaries, and many thanks to A.E. Lalonde Laboratories who provide the AMS C14 analyses for our member awards.

    To read more about these members and their research, follow the links below.

    2018-19 Post-Secondary Student Bursary: Josh Garrett

    2018 Radiocarbon Date Merit Award: Daniel Smith

  • 14 Dec 2018 12:49 PM | Anonymous

    Contact if you have a sample that needs dating!

  • 03 Oct 2018 5:24 PM | Anonymous
  • 28 Sep 2018 6:16 PM | Anonymous

    We have updated the dates for several of our awards as follows:

    The Student Bursary Awards have been extended to October 31st, 2018.

    The Conference Travel Award has been extended to November 30th, 2018.

    The Radiocarbon Date Award has been extended to December 15th, 2018.

    Get your applications in for a chance to win!

    - APA Board of Directors

  • 04 Aug 2018 9:55 PM | Anonymous

    APA members should have received their Summer 2018 Newsletter via email -- if you did not receive your copy, send a quick message to or visit our Member News tab to download the .pdf

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