How to Join APA
Application Submission Process
1. Review APA's
Code of Ethics, then complete the online
Membership Application form.
2. You will have the option of paying online by credit card, or by etransfer (after prearrangement with the Administrative Secretary at, or, if necessary, you can mail a cheque or money order to our membership director (see
mailing address below). Our online payment option uses PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to use this online payment method to pay by credit card.
3. If you are applying for
Professional, Field Director, First Nations Consultation Staff or First Nations Liaison membership in the APA, or if you are a current member wishing to change your membership category, you must submit the following material for review by the Membership Committee in order for your request to be approved:
- A copy of your CV or resume of experience must be emailed to our Membership Director at
- Proof of Active Archaeological Licence (or equivalent qualifications) OR documentation that demonstrates full time employment by an Ontario First Nation in a position relating to archaeological issues (Consultation Staff) or participation in that Ontario First Nation's archaeological liaison program (First Nations Liaison) must be emailed to our Membership Director.
If you are applying for
Field Director,
First Nations Consultation Staff or
First Nations Liaison, the name and contact information of a reference from someone who holds a Professional archaeological license who can speak to the candidate's credentials OR, for First Nations Consultation Staff membership, someone who can speak to the candidate’s experience relating to archaeological issues must be emailed to our
Membership Director.
If you are applying for
Student membership, please submit a copy of your current student ID card or indicate with your application your affiliated institution and student number.
Mailing Address*
Association of Professional Archaeologists' Membership Application,
111 Hullrick Drive, Toronto ON M9W 6W4
*Note: if sending something by mail, please alert the secretary by email, particularly if it is time sensitive.
Please provide documentation in PDF format if you are emailing.
You will have an option to upload an image of your logo or business card (image Size 110 px x 110 px).
APA Review & Approval Process
The Membership Director will contact applicants for Professional and First Nations Consultation Staff memberships once your CV/resume and proof of active archaeological licence or equivalent qualifications are received, payment is confirmed, the membership committee has met, and recommendations have been made to the APA executive regarding acceptance. Estimated turn around time, once the above 4 steps are complete, is two to three weeks.
The APA will not respond to incomplete applications/submissions. Please ensure points 1-3 above are complete, online payment is complete or payment has been mailed and that your CV and Proof of Active Archaeological Licence are submitted to avoid delays in becoming an APA member. If your application is not approved, your money will be refunded.
Applications will be reviewed by the Membership Director of the APA Board of Directors and the Membership Committee.