Some of you may have noticed that the MTCS web page has taken down many of its Fact Sheets. We asked Katherine Cappella (Manager, Archaeology Program Unit) if she could advise of the reason and she has given permission to share this helpful reply:
As for the fact sheets on our website, in the fall it came to our attention that several of the links on our website were dead or pointing users to older/outdated versions of documents. We had all of the links disabled so that we could review the documents up on the website and replace any outdated ones with the most recent versions. Our communications team (which is an entity outside the archaeology unit) continues to work on this. In the meantime, if members with licences need a copy of any of our publications, including fact sheets, they can find them in PastPort’s Resource centre. Members can also email us at to request a copy of any publication or form. -KC
For other recent MTCS Archaeology updates, click on the following link: 2018Dec_MTCS_ManagerMemo.pdf