Association of Professional Archaeologists

Latest News

  • 04 Aug 2018 9:55 PM | Anonymous

    APA members should have received their Summer 2018 Newsletter via email -- if you did not receive your copy, send a quick message to or visit our Member News tab to download the .pdf

  • 27 Jul 2018 10:37 PM | Anonymous

    One of APA's Student Admin Assistants has combed the internet to see which Land Use Planning Tools have been utilized for each of the Upper Tier, Lower Tier and Single Tier municipalities in Ontario (up-to-date as of Dec.2017/Jan.2018).

    Start your search in the 'Online Resources' tab.

  • 27 Jul 2018 10:31 PM | Anonymous

    Now, APA members can log in to the members' only tab for 'First Nations Contacts and More' and follow the link to a database of last-known contacts for each Nation that was compiled by one of APA's Student Admin Assistants in Dec.2017/Jan.2018.  

    The tab also contains info for some Consultation Contacts as confirmed individually by APA's Director of First Nations Relations.

    Explore this handy information to start your Engagement process at 'First Nations Contacts and More'.

  • 13 Jul 2018 9:30 PM | Anonymous

    We are now on Twitter! You can follow us @APA_Ontario for all the latest updates from the APA and happenings in archaeology in Ontario. 

    We're excited to participate in out first Twitter event on July 18th, "Ask An Archaeologist Day". So follow along with the hashtag #AskAnArchaeologist The idea is simple, those who want to know more about archaeology ask questions using #AskAnArchaeologist and archaeologists answer them.

  • 08 Jul 2018 9:47 PM | Anonymous

    Dear Members,

    The following correspondence written by the APA Executive members has been posted to

    - letter regarding the release of PIF information to First Nations, Municipalities and other organizations (June 9, 2017)

    - letter regarding the expanded release of PIF information (July 1, 2018)

    Thank you to those members who submitted their thoughts and concerns about MTCS's plan to expand the release of PIF information -- your input greatly assisted the APA Executive and was included in our consolidated response to the Ministry.

  • 27 Jun 2018 12:43 PM | Anonymous

    Dear APA Member,  

    You may recall last year's MTCS initiative to release PIF information to third parties and that we were the only one of three organizations contacted who consulted with our membership.  The same initiative is now apparently going to be broadened to include release of client contact information to third parties.  A copy of yesterday's MTCS letter is included below.  

    If you have any concerns please let us know right away*send an email by July 1st to*for a consolidated reply from APA members ~ as for some unexplained reason MTCS decided on a one-week deadline for comments.


    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Bryant, Kathryn (MTCS) <>
    Date: 26 June 2018 at 11:24
    Subject: upcoming changes to MTCS initiative
    To: OAS President, APA President, CAA President

    Good morning,


    I am following up on an email sent in May 2017 by Jim Sherratt, former Manager of the Archaeology Program Unit, to the previous leaders of your organizations about a ministry communication initiative begun last summer to share data submitted to MTCS via the Project Information Forms (PIFs) in PastPortal. This initiative was in response to requests from a number of Indigenous communities, municipalities and others for information about the archaeological assessments being completed within their traditional territory, municipal boundaries or other defined area.


    Beginning in July of 2017 MTCS began providing information on current archaeological activity through a monthly email distribution list. The list includes information from all new PIFs in Ontario for which numbers have been issued in a given month. It is provided as an Excel spreadsheet and includes name and licence number of the licensee, project title, stage of fieldwork, fieldwork start date, and municipality. The list is shared with all Indigenous communities, municipalities and organizations that request the information.


    In June 2017 we received positive feedback and comments from the previous leaders of your organizationsI am writing today to seek comment on some upcoming changes to this initiative. Based on feedback we’ve been receiving from licensees and Indigenous communities in response to the monthly updates we will be adding some additional information to the list beginning in July 2018, including proponent name, as well as additional location details where available, such as Lot and Concession, latitude/longitude, UTM coordinates, and municipal/street address. This will enable Indigenous communities and municipalities to better understand the study area for each project and enable them to reach out to the proponent directly if they so desire. This approach addresses scenarios where a licensee may not be able to share their client information and who are encouraged, but not required (under the 2011 Standards and Guidelines for Consultant Archaeologists) to engage with Indigenous communities prior to Stage 3.


    We will be announcing these changes to all licensees prior to releasing any additional PIF data. We would appreciate any comments you may have by July 3, 2018.






    Kathryn Bryant

    A/ Manager

    Archaeology Program Unit | Programs and Services Branch

    Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

    401 Bay Street, Suite 1700

    Toronto, Ontario

    M7A 0A7


  • 20 Jun 2018 9:35 PM | Anonymous

    This spring, the APA Board of Directors resolved to seek current legal opinion about Aboriginal Engagement in Archaeological Assessments, to assist and inform members.  The resulting letter, available to APA members in the 'First Nations Contacts and More' tab and also the 'Members Resources: Tools' tab, provides an overview about the obligation to engage placed on professional archaeologists to engage with Aboriginal communities as distinct from the obligations imposed by the Crown's Duty to Consult.

  • 03 May 2018 6:43 PM | Anonymous

    A copy of the Registrar’s Directive from the Bereavement Authority of Ontario dated April 11, 2018 is attached -- it outlines a requirement that professionally licensed archaeologists retained to conduct any invasive type of archaeological assessments or investigations within a cemetery submit a request to the Registrar for an Investigation Order prior to commencing the assessment.

    Registrars Directive_Archaeological Assessments and Investigations on Cemetery Lands_Apr112018.pdf

  • 02 May 2018 9:00 PM | Anonymous

    APA's members who hold archaeological licences with the Ontario MTCS have been made aware this spring of additional staffing changes in the Archaeology Program Unit.  For APA's other members, the letter circulated by MTCS with these staffing details is provided here.

    Archaeo_Program_Updates 6-April-2018.pdf

    Moreover, find included here correspondence endorsed by the APA Executive and sent by Laurie Jackson, APA's President, to Sean Fraser, the new Director of the Programs and Services Branch at MTCS.


  • 03 Apr 2018 10:14 AM | Anonymous

    Available in the Members' Lounge --> Meeting Minutes are the October 2015 AGM approved minutes and the November 2016 AGM draft minutes.

    Members can be involved in the April 7th 2018 AGM remotely by signing in to Google Docs -- email the secretary, Cathy Crinnion via for the link to the meeting, which will be 2:30-3:30pm.

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