Association of Professional Archaeologists

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  • 01 Feb 2016 7:04 AM | Anonymous

    Please be advised that Michael D'Mello retired from the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS) effective January 15, 2016 and has accepted a position with the Bereavement Authority Ontario (BAO) as Manager of Licensing, Education and Outreach. The BAO is now responsible for cemetery and crematoria licensing and enforcement in Ontario.

    However, MGCS has retained responsibility for burial sites, war graves, abandoned cemeteries and cemetery closures, and Nancy Watkins has been appointed as Registrar with responsibility for these matters.

    Nancy Watkins

    Senior Policy Advisor and Analyst

    Registrar of Burial Sites, War Graves, Abandoned Cemeteries and Cemetery Closures

    416 212 7499

  • 12 Nov 2015 9:25 AM | Anonymous

    Dear APA Members,

    As a result of the vote held on Sunday, October 18, 2015 at the APA Annual General Meeting, the following directors were elected:

    • Andrew Hinshelwood
    • Carla Parslow
    • Bill Fox
    • Cathy Crinnion
    • Margie Kenedy
    • Dave Norris
    • Laurie Jackson
    • Shane McCartney

    As many of you will note, this marks a significant change from the previous board. The new directors have begun to work on your behalf, but the transition may take some time to fully implement. We ask for your patience and cooperation during the transition.

    Communication among the directors elected identified a potential list of Executive positions. This list was circulated among all elected directors. None of the positions were contested, and the directors agreed that the positions would be confirmed by a vote held electronically (through email).

    The new executive for the APA is:

    President – Margie Kenedy
    Vice-President – Andrew Hinshelwood
    Secretary/Treasurer – Cathy Crinnion
    First Nations – Bill Fox
    Newsletter/Investigations – Laurie Jackson
    Northern Director – Dave Norris
    Membership – Carla Parslow
    Field Directors – Shane McCartney
    Past President – Sue Bazely

    The first meeting of the executive was convened October 31, 2015, and was conducted electronically. Minutes of the meeting will be available soon. The meeting was a start-up meeting at which the executive addressed the list of immediate concerns facing the organization, and to discuss pressing house-keeping matters. 

    The APA exists to represent member interests collectively, and to offer appropriate support to individual members as the need arises. We are aware of the issues that escalated over the past year and we will strive over the coming year to ensure that members' interests remain our primary focus.  It is our firm intention to ensure that the organization is run in an open and collaborative manner.

    Please feel free to contact any member of the Executive with any questions or concerns you may have that relate to the mandate of the APA, or post your thoughts on the members’ board section of the APA website.  Our next meeting will be held on December 8, 2015.

    We look forward to working together to our mutual benefit as professional archaeologists, and for the benefit of the archaeological heritage of Ontario. 


    Margie Kenedy, President APA

    Andrew Hinshelwood, Vice-President APA

  • 26 Oct 2015 1:08 PM | Anonymous

    At the APA Annual General Meeting held Sunday October 18th, 2015 the membership elected a new Board of Directors to continue the work of the APA. The following constitute the new APA Board of Directors.

    • Andrew Hinshelwood
    • Carla Parslow
    • Bill Fox
    • Cathy Crinnion
    • Margie Kenedy
    • Dave Norris
    • Laurie Jackson
    • Shane McCartney

    Congratulations to those elected and thanks to all who put their names forward.

  • 23 Feb 2015 4:09 PM | Anonymous
    Memo_Inspections.PDF - Memo Published Feb. 2015 regarding the intention to inspect archaeological sites and facilities under section 51, Ontario heritage Act (R.S.O. 1990) 

    Inspections_Fact Sheet.pdf - Appendix to the MTCS Memo regarding procedures for archaeological inspection.

    Inspection under the Ontario Heritage Act.pdf - Section 51 of the Ontario Heritage Act, FYI

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