Association of Professional Archaeologists

Ask An Expert: Archaeobotany in Ontario from Precontact to Euro-Canadian

  • 21 Jul 2021
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • online


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Connect in a casual atmosphere with an archaeobotanical expert and others who share an interest in what plants teach us about past peoples....

This presentation covers identification of macrofossils of cultivated and native plants as well as tree species. These are important in describing subsistence and environment. It will also introduce microfossil studies (pollen grains, phytoliths, and starch grains) which add to the further understanding of plant use. Reference is made to materials from various sites from different time frames. At the end of the presentation there are added slides which show work done throughout Canada, some references to work from other countries in the Americas, and slides which viewers may find interesting.

So, whether you have been doing field archaeology for decades or are in the formative phase of your career, this online conversation will be of interest and is intended to be a presentation format with time for questions and answers.

Learn new things, share knowledge with each other, obtain expert advice and tips to help you delve deeper into your understanding of archaeobotanical remnants and archaeological site interpretation.  

APA member Rudy Fecteau is providing this session, streaming from his lab, and he hopes that you will have questions to explore!

** Questions submitted ahead of time are encouraged -- get some insight into your puzzles live by an expert who has perhaps been there and solved that!

Are you ready to Ask An Expert ... Chat About That ~ come to discuss or just to observe, all are welcome!


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